HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary
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YOU can make a difference here!
there are so many ways to help these amazing animals we call our residents, and to help us be prepared for emergencies that may come up and just to help make their live just a little better, more fun, a little safer or more secure. see what catches your eye, you can donate directly, you can contribute to the feed fund, you can just shop online or locally where you normally do but select us as your favorite charity and a percentage comes to us directly! its as simple as that.. you can even sign up for a monthly donation with your credit or debit card and paypal.. and rest assured you are making a difference to us, to each and every animal there now and in the future, we can't so this without your help.
If you already shop at Frys, Bashas, Kroger, Dillions and more, just link your rewards card through the community giving program and a percentage of purchses comes to us.
Ebay gives you an option to select and help the charity of your choice~ choose Hoofsnhorns Farm!
Click here to use any credit or debit card or Paypal account. you do not have to have a Paypal account
be sure to select "send money to friends & family" there are no fees!
this is hands down are largest need & expense
every resident here eats hay..
good quality alfalfa hay
(right now $25/bale.. we need 8 bales of hay each day to feed everyone here
high quality high protein ration for goats mainly for our senior and special needs goats. the newly rescued herd needs a dairy ration (eight of the ladies have been confirmed pregnant and due any time!)
several brands at each feed store are available between $16-19 for a 50lb bag currently one bag lasts us a two days
Pot bellied pig food but any hog feed will be fine..usually about $20/ 50 lb bag we go thru several bags a week, as some of you who have visited know we recently help with orphaned baby pigs, take in two homeless and injured pigs in addition to several older special needs pigs who already call this place home we have over fifty piggies to feed.
POULTRY FEED for laying hens & scratch mix ..we have several laying hens and have taken on many homeless roosters and ducks who enjoy the scratch mix
(usually between $16-22 per 50 lb bag.. we need about three bags a week)
We have several "barn cats" who have come through local animal care shelters and rescues all over the state who had no safe place to go. Many were abused, abandon or left behind. These cats have often been homeless street cats who have been injured or trapped and taken to the veterinarian for care, or spay and neuter surgery but its unsafe for them to return to their area.
Here, there is a nice big safe place to confine them so they can heal, rest and eat well for a few weeks until they settle in to the sights and smells of the sanctuary so when released here they stay. we need cat food, both wet and dry and litter for the indoor cats and those while in quarantine.
At Hoofsnhorns there are several full feeding stations at all times, so that all our outdoor cats have many comfy places to hide out or play and eat so they no longer have to rely on their hunting and survival skills.
thank you for helping!