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meet our newest residents..
​We call this group the County Herd

Shortly before Christmas we were asked about taking on a small herd of abandon goats.. the number and details at that time were not available as they were still in the process of being rescued and one was in bad shape and had gone directly to the veterinarian

They arrived.. all 16 of them
quite well behaved coming out of the trailer that the Livestock officer brought them in

we quickly had assembled a small quarantine pen
once they arrived we attempted to separate the men from the boys so to speak.. or rather, the boys from the girls..

they had other ideas..
First of all, some of these goats are the biggest goats I've ever seen in my life!
Second.. several of them can obviously fly!

The boys did not want to be separated from the girls

They are a very bonded family we have finally figured out
After they were here just a day or so, it was easy to see who might be who's mother, brother, etc.. they eat and sleep and play together.. they also prefer to STAY together

which presents a problem for us..

we are assuming most of the females are pregnant..
and are mainly attempting to contain them not only for their safetly but to keep them from turning their sites on our general population (and about eighty females...argh!)

We are still working on fencing and fundraising to make things better.. for now we have been trying to focus on the nutrition and saving the babies that have been arriving.. we are feeding high protein dairy goat grain and minerals and creating safe warm bedding and just trying to keep everyone fed and happy.. to date we have four healthy babies and more on the way.. our hay has gone up several dollars in general plus this herd alone is eating about a bale a day so donations are greatly appreciated!!
Once the babies are are here, weaned and wethered  (neutered) they will be up for adoption!
The goat that went straight to the veterinarians clinic spent about two weeks being cared for, she had a very badly injured eye and had apparently been down during the time her herd was abandon and maybe trampled.. once her eye was well and she was medically in good shape she was ready for us to pick up. 

The veterinarian was worried because Joan was not standing on her own.. they used a hoist for therapy and Joan just was not standing.. we loaded her into the car and brought her here to be with her family

we weren't scared.. we see miracles here!

The officer who saved her named her Joan of Arc.. she even has her very own collar with her name on it!

Once she was safely at the sanctuary we kept her warm and comfy and propped her up on straw bales 

we did daily physical therapy until she was able to hold herself upright in a sling.. then we moved her into a softer area and began to work with her in a lift

soon she could balance on her back legs and hold up
herself on her front knees

than she was able to pop up and stand on her own!

Joan has had accupuncture (which she loved) and is continuing to progress every day

She now only needs help if she lays down on the wrong side to sleep at night, she needs a little help getting up first thing.. but lots of us do!

sadly our sweet Joan passed a few months after being here but she did it, she survived and she stood and she went out on her terms!
we will always have Joan in our heart she was an amazing example of an animals strength and heart.

Joan in her lift getting some sunshine
Joan standing on her own!
If you would like to help us feed & house this wayward group .. please donate!