HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary
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Our Residents
help us help them
We can't do this without you! 
We have the land, the knowledge & experience in addition to amazing resources. We are here to do the work, but we need your help to feed & care for their daily needs. Hay needs are EIGHT bales a day, minimum, in addition to other feed & supplies, you can help today.
Hoofsnhorns Farm Sanctuary is deeply committed to helping animals who come to us in need. Abused, abandoned, orphaned, or just worn out, we open our hearts and our sanctuary and welcome those animals with special needs, and those who have no other option. 

We see value in each of God’s creatures and provide what they need to heal and to live a safe and contented life. For some, it has meant staying many years or the rest of their life here; for others, their stay has been shorter. But each of these innocent and amazing animals had one thing in common: everyone else gave up on them.
That’s why they’re treated with love and tenderness every single day here.
check this out.. some fun stuff.. we have stickers available in our tiny farm store!