HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary
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our founding fathers..
many have graced our lives over these years and have shaped and guided us as a sanctuary and as humans

my first goat, my best friend, my teacher
he lived in the house most of the time and was my constant companion, standing by my side to start this journey into goat world, I miss him every moment and am grateful always for his love, his comfort and full body hugs when I needed them most and for allowing me to learn what beatufiul, smart, loving and yes hilarious souls often present with hoofs & horns! Chester lived 15 years, he loved grapes, was annoyed by babies, wanted to sleep inside when it rained and was loved every minute of every day.

what can I say
Pedro was my baby, my four legged furry child.. still not sure I can write this today and thanking God we did Pedro's book before he passed, the hole
he left in my heart and my world will never be filled and though I  know he is with me 
in spirit and I will see him again someday, and of course I would never wish him back to struggle a minute longer, I miss him with every beat of my heart
It is important that you know Pedro, or at least some of his story to understand us here at Hoofsnhorns Farm Sanctuary at all.. not because he was born one of five babies in a tiny pygmy goat mama, or that he was 1/5 of the size of everyone else, and that he  survived, he thrived.. almost six years, and his beginnings and those challenges that he overcame were not even the last of it, for he had so much to handle in those short years, so much to teach, so much  love.. his little book that we were inspired to write and I mean we.. barely finished before he passed on and we can order it, Pedro the Miracle Goat.. my story and some of my friends, it is a heart pouring, raw, barely edited offering of our story, our tears and our blessings but yes, our miracles as Pedro was certainly a miracle and he taught us what we needed to know to wake up and be here every day, he taught and showed that we do  not give up.. ever, and we don't hope and pray for miracles but we must expect them. You don't get upset when things appear hopeless, you live for that moment, and the next and maybe several more that you get, you do what you must and you press on , in faith, with hope and sometimes you just surprise everyone! We trust God and we seek wise counsel. we don't take anyones word no matter how experienced and certain they may be. Expect a Miracle!
I promise to actually tell Pedro's story here someday