HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary
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HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary Gallery
Here are some of our super models... click to read about them
Lylah was a tiny preemie goat who came to us after a week of struggling to live, she made it three months and was a happyloved little housegirl every day that she was here
sadie is our silly angora goat who is about 12 years old, she came here at a baby after the family who adopted her realized she could not live in their gated community. she doesn't love being among other goats and lives with the piggies
Mama mary and her girls Lilly and Ivy arrived on an Easter weekend after Mary had been found to have had a serious udder infection and her tiniest baby had died. Mary was ablel to be a mama here and all we did was help with the feeding.
our little cow herd loves to hang out together they nap together, eat together and clean each other
Jenny was born here and adopted out with her mama, the family gave aretha, her mom away and later sold Jenny, by the grace of God, Aretha found her way back within weeks and then almost a year later we found Jenny looking for a home! they were happy to be reunited, Jenny even went back to nursing!
Buttercup & Peanut
Buttercup is our first cow, she just turned 15 and Peanut is her great great grandson!
Meet some of our amazing residents
if you would like to help us feed & care for them please consider a donation .. its easy.. just click here & if you would  like to sponsor a specific resident, you can select your donation to be recurring on a monthly basis
Sarah & boss Hawg two of our oldest piggie residents, Sarah, my former house pig was a baby when she came from a failing sanctuary, she lived in the house about eight years and after her buddy,Chloe, passed away she wanted to live outside in the piggie yard with her friends
Elinor was born and raised in a commercial dairy yard, when she couldn't carry a calf to term she was going to be sold for meat but came here instead, she soon learned to love being petted, and here, calm and happy, surprised us soon after with a calf!
Patches was born on a beef ranch but the little girl next door soon fell in love with her and they were able to adopt her, she had a baby and then were unable to stay on their farm and wanted them to stay together so they came to hoofsnhorns and are happy and loved
This llittle hen was injured and didn't quite make friends once released into the yard so she decided to hitch a ride on Sadie.
Skeeter was sold at the fair in milk after her  babies were removed from her at birth we love her, she gives kisses and helps raise other youngsters
Mary had triplets at a sheep farm but it was almost two weeks before they realized she had a bad infection, the day after the little one died they brought everyone here, we named them Mary, Lilly & Ivy. Mary mothered and we just fed and together the girls thrived and get to stay together here.
Motor moe was attacked twice by dogs at his mamas house so she brought him here to recover and be safe, over the years, due to the muscle that had been eaten off his bones he has decided he is more stable on his front knees!
When Pablo was born his people wanted to milk his mother, they didn't want him and gave him away, about a week later he wasn't doing good and the woman that had him gave him to us, he is a fine big fella now.
Pablo was so determined to get his bottle he didn't think he needed help from me
Pablo loved to sleep on me
June was adopted from a neighbor in t rouble for not caring for his animals but she didn't know what to do with her either or what to feed her, she was alone, ate the furniture on the porch and veggies she was given until she came here and now just needs time to get fat & sassy
the little guy next to Elinor is River he was a rodeo clowns act and spent his days alone and his nights running around a rodeo arena in front of screaming crowds, until he came here where all he has to do is be happy
Buttercup is the queen here she was our first cow, born in at a dairy then sold and passed from family to family used to feed calves that would be eaten and she was no longer useful, until she came here, she just turned 15 and is a sweet lady
my handsome riding buddy Smokey just a beautiful soul inside and out. he was kicked in the face as a baby and has a little tooth issue which requires he eat slower but that doesn't make him slow on the trail! I saw his picture at one of my darkest times in life and knew he was meant for me.
this ia Tucker
Tucker came to Hoofsnhorns Farm Sanctuary at just 8 hours old,rejected by his mom, we were blessed to have him. He is our traveling piggie ambassador and house pig. we will update on Tucker as he grows as every day he gets just cuter and cuter!
Tucker loves belly rubs
he sleeps on the couch
he doesn't mind laying on his back
kiss me!
this is only a small selection of our residents, past & present, I will continue to update 

Please also visit and follow us on our farm facebook page..we ask that you share our page and help us to gain more friends and supporters.. we need you.. you can make a difference here.. we appreciate you
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& your gift 
keeps giving monthly
Whiskey our tiny jack, mini donkey. he came here just weaned from his mama and has been a barrel of trouble and laughs ever since. He loves to be scratched on the behind or inside his ears, which makes his bottom lid fall down, hes very talkative and quite opinionated.. hes kind of a trouble maker
Harvey the hugger on the rollergoatster ticket booth watching his minions below
Famous Amos has been here since he was a little guy, his sister Mavis passed recently of a cancer but he is used to hanging in the frat house yard with his bros Fabian & Georgeous George they were all babies together many years ago
Fabian & Georgeous George very colorful older fellas
where did that tiny pink piglet go? Otis lives in the house with our dear friend and rescue partner Lisa and he's a large spoiled swine :)
Our biggest little pig, Franklin
Franklin was found living in a cold horse trailer all alone as a baby and came here instead to be a house piggie for awhile but as he grew up he decided he wanted to be in the piggie yard and he is king of the castle but still a big sweetie who loves belly rubs
Super goat!
Miss Jinx the minx..  was raised as a spoiled house pet who grew to be a big outdoor goat very bored with the horse next door as her only playmate, she regularly tried to escape her yard then came here where she is trying to learn to play nice with other goats but Jinx would rather play with people.
Ed, our security officer enjoys frequent dips in the horse trough especially on hot summer days
mother daughter team Leche and Honey enjoy a relaxing moment on the rollergoatster
Charlie & Bo
Thank you for your support
Murphy our little old man, he is 17 and had been left at the local shelter after his mama got sick and they didn't give her time to get him back. she is still recovering but we talk on the phone and she will get to visit him here.
Murphy loves belly rubs, he can't hear so he is startled at first when he is touched if he doesn't see you coming but he quickly rolls over and gets happy
This is Gizmo.. he was someones service dog years ago and she passed away , Gizmo was found sitting on her chest waiting for her to wake up. he was adopted but that owner fell on hard times and he was staying somewhere where he was getting beat up.
Gizmo arrived 4th of july in the middle of the night, after an attack, he was very sick and had given up. He decided that night he was going to be okay if he could sleep with me, he has healed up well and still sleeps with me, hes happy safe little man now
isaac was dumped in the desert where a passerby saw him digging down into the sand to get cool while he waited, hoping I guess that his master would return for him. he was rescued by a friend of ours who got him the best vet care and we are blessed to call him family
what a surprise our first ever baby lambs,  guess our Kino was in the right place at the right time..this is Abby & Abraham