HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary
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guidelines and important info regarding visits to the Sanctuary
We rely on and appreciate each of  you..our friends & family of the farm
We cant do this without you!

We understand it is hard for you to really know the animals here without coming to meet them, interact with them and learn about them so we are starting some regular visiting days and hours.. 
this may change as we figure things out along the way
so bear with us..

some important info below.. please read!
 email me directly with any questions or concerns

directions will be sent to you via email once we know you are coming and confirm
Basic Rules ..

we are a working animal sanctuary and we live here please respect our privacy, our messes and areas that are not open to the public

NO dogs.. I'm sorry but we have livestock guardian dogs and although I agree this is a fun place to visit, our guardian dogs will not allow other animals on the property

we will provide directions and as much info as possible, please understand that emergencies do come up on a regular basis and cancellation may be necessary, we will try and contact you by text first so please provide a number when you schedule

we will try and give you as much notice as is possible

All animals will not be available for direct contact but many are, this is for their safety and yours at this time

many of our yards and shelters are still a work in progress so there may be work going on, things in the path please stay with me as I guide you and introduce you to everyone

sorry I know its tough but kids must stay with their parent or guardian AT ALL TIMES for the animals safety and theirs. NO exceptions.. children will not be allowed to run from area to area or put hands into fences, etc.


Again, this is a busy, working sanctuary with ongoing new fencing, uneven ground, rocks and possibly even rattlesnakes or ants or other desert life here in addition to our animals and animals are predictable.  

We will do our best to provide an easy safe tour. 
while also allowing you to pet and interact with the animals in a safe manner.

​yes you can bring treats for the animals
they love your left over pumpkins, apples, carrots and any other unwrapped fruit or veggie that does not have a pit (no avocado, no peaches, etc.

also they don't like onions and only a few like peppers..
In order to participate in a group visit day or schedule a tour please send an email to us at hoofsnhornsfarm@gmail.com
provide a number we may reach you for info and possible emergency cancellation
I will also email or text the detailed directions.. once we are confirmed..

the address will come up on your GPS however, it is not current and will attempt to take you down Desert View which is closed, you will have to turn around and the new home at that corner is not happy about all of our traffic so please follow my detailed directions and then there will also be signs off the main road (picture rocks)

I promise its not as difficult as it sounds!
We always need to generate funds for feed and animal care, therefore we have a current suggested donation amount of $20.00 per person for tours

We have not been able to schedule a lot of visits recently because there is no staff and a lot to be done on a daily basis but we want to get to know you and we want you to meet the animals, so we decided to try and schedule some visits at this time in order to generate some much needed funds

the farm store will also be open, there are gifts and soap, tshirts and calenders to purchase, be prepared! theres fun stuff available
If you would like to bring items we need, here are some easy ones..

mineral salt blocks

chicken feed, layer or scratch

all breed sweet pellets 
available at most feed stores, 
walmart and Tractor supply

goat feed
pig feed

large bird feed
unsalted peanuts

fruits & veggies as listed above
kale for the tortoise 
Contact Us
If you have already scheduled and been confirmed here are the directions to the Sanctuary..please DO NOT follow GPS off Picture Rocks Road It takes you down a closed street
(Desert View) and the residents are not happy with the traffic..
From Ina West to Wade and onto Picture Rocks Road
thru the monument
once it becomes residential PASS these streets:
. Tula
..Desert View
go to Van Ark follow the directions to

9740 West Lariat Drive

(Follow Picture Rocks road to Van Ark)
turn right on Van Ark .. there is a sign there

Right on Busterville to end (yellow/red house in front of you)

Right on Bobcat at end there is a sign with a Western glove (this is Lariat) you will see our sign too

Left on Lariat to the end (there is a sign here)

hard left down the drive

​pass the little red egg house and through the gate to park
